Thursday, 30 May 2013

No luck -downloading to Sony e-bk reader.... but I think I made it.

I have to give up. Have been able to download E-books and Audio books to the computer- even to a Mac! However am giving up with downloading E-books to the infamous library owned "Sony e-book reader".  No luck at work or on Mac at home.
I have successfully downloaded TB's to a USB.
Hope I qualify now to have completed the course.............thank-you everyone and keep at it.  It is a worthwhile module to have a go at.
Am actually thinking about buying an ipad.... yes what is the world coming toooooo.!!  However it will mean that I learn more about the mobile devices world.  Any suggestions?
thanks again Katia and Mia,

Sunday, 12 May 2013

eeeeeee..eeK... no, T-Books & e-Books

Whoopee I did the journey....... whoops,  no, not quite yet!!!
I downloaded an e-book from OVERDRIVE onto the Mac at home. If I can do it then perhaps others won't find that so hard.  However,  then I tried downloading the e-book onto the venerable work Sony e-reader.  this turned out to be a mine-field.  There were so many programs I was asked to download that I asked the lovely reasonably tech savvy Damian for assistance.  In the end we gave up.  It was taking up so much precious Sunday morning time.  I am now at work and will give it a go on the PC.
No luck.. will have to speak with Katia.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Podcasts, Soundclouds, HEARing-aids...

There is sooooo much information out there.  Discoveries from checking out the different sights: I loved Ray Bradbury,  found out that the Nigerian author, Chinua Achebe died in March, inspired by the poster by Rafael Lopez (Mexican artist & illustrator)  for the Lib. of Congress 2012 national book festival.  Can hear his interview in Spanish & English.  The Ruskin School of Drawing and fine Art, looks like the architecture has some Moorish influence.  No time to discover moor... I had to rush to the British Museum and spend time with the Paracas!!! (2000 years ago in South America).

Sunday, 14 April 2013


Having problems uploading my powerpoint to slideshare presentation.  When I have luck embedding it here you will have the english translation for my Prezi presentation which is in spanish.  Yay all done!  and thanks to our wonderful  IT guru Katia.  Wish they would employ her as we desperately need an IT/social media/educator enthusiast for staff and Yarra libraries could then run courses every so often for the public.
I really like Michael Edson's presentation.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

google driving.......

Just done it. Yay!  My doco needs much work.

Here is the link to my google doc.

Uses,  well would be great for collaboration on a document.  e.g. Jeff and I could use it to work on the How to do Serials document.  However we do use the S-Drive and either of us can change it there.  Well there goes that ide!!!   But, if I wanted to work on something from home (god forbid!!) OR at the Reference desk .....when it is very quiet....    this could be an option as we don't have access to the S-Drive!

Apologies other Social Network colleagues as I haven't checked out anyone's blog in the last couple of weeks.
Time to go to my WONNNNDERRRFUL stretch class in Kerr Street, Fitzroy.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

library thing.

Good evening all you wonderful, avid readers of my blog!!!

I think I prefer Good Reads as it offers the option of - read, currently reading & would like to read. As Katia noted Library thing does seem to be more of a catalogue/list of ones books. However I must confess that I have not researched it in GREAT depth!!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

good reads

Y de repente, un ángel

just started working on goodreads today.....    I like the search tool as it seems quite extensive and found most of the spanish titles I entered.    the one title that didn't come up I found by entering the english title.  here is the link to my goodreads site.   they are all 5 *****


I have created a spanish books board.  These are books I have read in spanish!!.  I would recommend them all as good reads in both english & spanish......  Here is a link to my pinterest profile.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Flickr-ing along

McDonnell Douglas : F/A-18C : Hornet

McDonnell Douglas : F/A-18C : Hornet
Image courtesy of San Diego Air and Space Museum Archives, Flickr.

I'm not interested in the plane but  What is underneath it !! ??

El codigo QR

Una pagina web que me ayuda muchissimo!!
A webpage that helps me HEAPS.. 
La letra "o" despues de la letra "c" en la palabra "codigo" falta un accento .... pero no se como hacerlo.  
The letter "o" after c in the word "codigo" lacks an accent .... however I don't know how to do it.

Las letras en la negrita tambien faltan un accento!!
The letters in boldtype also lack an accent!!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

QR codes

my journey through the social media minefield continues!  QR codes do sound very cool.  only problem for me is be accessing them!  at present (note- at present, )  it takes me so long to find all my sites- twitter, blog and yammer- that I haven't got to play with them!!   nor had time to explore creating a QR code.....

social media course

Jan 2013- working on the Social Media Course @ Yarra Libraries.  Almost up to Twitter via Yammer.  I am finding it difficult.  Hoping that today I get Twitter attached to my blog or vice-versa!!